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A library of audio and audio/visual programs for group or individual viewing

Produced by the International Low Vision Support Group


Brief presentations for low vision individuals or groups seeking to understand causes, symptoms and treatment of common eye conditions. Narrated by Dan Roberts, MD Support Founding Director.

“Age-Related Macular Degeneration” (10:37)

“Cataract Surgery” (8:20)

“Diabetic Retinopathy” (10:18)

“Dry Eye” (6:35)

“Eyelid Problems” (10:50)

“Floaters and Flashes” (4:32)

“Glaucoma” (7:00)

“How The Eye Works” (9:10)

“Low Vision and Vision Rehabilitation” (10:30)

Selected Monthly Presentations

Audio and audio-visual programs 20 to 60 minutes in length. Formats: mp4, and mp3.



“The T.A.S.K. of Living With Central Vision Loss”
Presentation by Dan Roberts about the four elements of living successfully with low vision: Tenacity,Adaptability, Support and Knowledge.
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“Learning to Live with Low Vision: One Man’s Journey Through Rehabilitation”
A dramatic presentation featuring professional actor Richard C. Brown.
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“Straight Talk About Cope-ability”
A discussion with Mary Jay Clough, ACSW & Roy Cole, O.D., F.A.A.O. from the Jewish Guild for the Blind, New York City, NY
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“With the Heart One Sees Rightly”
Presenters: Lylas G. Mogk, M.D. and Prof. Marja Mogk, co-authors:Macular Degeneration:The Complete Guide to Saving and Maximizing Your Sight
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“Successful Self-Management”
How you can manage your own continuum of care and be an effective partner in your treatment and rehabilitation. Presenter: Lynne Noon, O.D., FAAO, Diplomate in Low Vision Rehabilitation; President,
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“Eye Didn’t Know That!”
A tour through the eye and fun facts about how it works, leading to a greater appreciation for the process of sight.
Presenter: Edward J. Huggett, O.D., Chief of Low Vision Services, St. Luke’s Cataract and Laser Institute, Tarpon Springs, Florida.
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Jan 10
“The Challenges of Multiple Age-Related Disabilities”
Presenter: Mary Warren, MS, OTR/L, SCLV, FAOTA (Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Alabama at Birmingham)
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Jul 10
“Travel Without Trouble (In Spite of Low Vision)”
Presenter: Dan Roberts, Director, MD Support
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Aug 14
“Hearing and Vision Loss”
Presenter: Helen J. Simon, Ph.D. (Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute)
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Sep 11
“What You See Is What You Eat”
Presenter: Lylas Mogk, M.D. (Henry Ford Medical Center, Lavonia MI)
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Nov 13
“Adventures in Darkness”
Presenter: Tom Sullivan (actor, singer, entertainer, author, producer)
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Jan 8
“Reclaiming Independence: Staying in the Driver’s Seat When You No Longer Drive”
Presenter: L. Penny Rosenblum, Ph.D. (University of Arizona)
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Feb 12
“Body Weight and Eye Disease”
Presenter: Ellen Troyer, M.T., M.A. (Chief Research Officer, Biosyntrx, Inc.)
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July 9
“Memory as a Substitute for Vision: The Aging Brain”
Presenter: Colleen O’Donnell, MSA, OTR, CLVT (Visual Rehabilitation and Research Center, Henry Ford Health System)
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Nov 12
“Nutrition: Separating Fact From Fiction”
Presenter: Ellen Troyer, M.T., M.A. (CEO, Biosyntrx, Inc.)
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Apr 8
“Navigating Everyday Tasks With Less Stress”
Presenter: Anita Arakawa, M.A. (Veterans Administration, Los Angeles CA)
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Jun 10
“Summary of Treatments and Research 2010”
Presenter: Dan Roberts (Founding Director, MD Support)
Listen online

Nov 11
“Seeing Lessons”
Presenter: Tom Sullivan (Blind Entertainer, Author, Actor and Athlete)
Listen online


Jan 13
“Head, Heart, and Eyes”
Presenter: R. Tracy Williams, OD, FAAO, with Leah Gerlach, M.S., C.R.C. (Spectrios Institute for Low Vision, Wheaton, IL)
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April 14
“Emotion and Adjustment”
Presenter: Julia Kleinschmidt, PhD (Director, Patient Support Program, Moran Eye Center, Utah
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May 12
“Spirituality Can Help”
Presenter: Colleen O’Donnell, MSA, OTR, CLVT (Visual Rehabilitation and Research Center, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit MI)
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June 9
“Summary of Treatment & Research–2011”
Presenter: Dan Roberts (Director, MD Support)
Listen online
Read transcript

July 14
“What’s Your Story?”
Featuring the portraits of Adam Hahn. Interviews with low vision individuals provided by AMD Alliance International. Moderated by Dan Roberts.
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Aug 11
“Keeping Fit: Fall Prevention and Exercise for Older Adults with Vision Loss”
Presenter: Anne Riddering, OTR/L, CLVT, COMS (Henry Ford Health System, Detroit MI)
Listen online

Oct 13
“Hallucinations and Low Vision–Understanding Charles Bonnet Syndrome”Presenters: Liz Trauernicht (Director, Macular Degeneration Foundation) with Oliver Sacks, M.D. and Marjorie Louer
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“Looking Past Limits”
Motivational speech by low vision activist Caroline Casey (Founding CEO, Aisling Foundation), originally produced by TED Talks.
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“Helping Others Understand”
Suggestions of ways to increase understanding of visual impairment by family members, friends, and care givers. Free companion booklet, “Caring for the Visually Impaired”, available here.
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“Gardening With Low Vision”
A Hadley School for the Blind past seminar, originally titled “Harvest the Benefits of Gardening”. Information about garden planning, choosing and identifying plants, appropriate tools and hardware, and adaptive techniques.
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“What Do You Know About Your Eyes?”
iPhoneThe first in a series of three fun and educational quiz games hosted by Ed Huggett, O.D. and ILVSG Director Dan Roberts.
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“Summary of Research 2012”
A wrap up of all news-making eye-related research and developments during the past 12 months.
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“What’s So Funny About Low Vision?”
20 minutes of humorous jokes and anecdotes about life with visual impairment, as contributed by members of the low vision community and told by MD Support Director Dan Roberts. 
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“Can Low Vision Rehabilitation Help?”
Low vision specialist Leslie Burkhardt, MSLVT discusses how Low Vision Rehabilitation educates people about vision loss, and how it helps them to assess, regain and re-prioritize function that has been limited by vision loss.
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“Limited Vision…Unlimited Potential”
Tracy Williams, O.D., F.A.A.O. and Gregg Pusateri, O.D., M.Div. (Spectrios Institute, Wheaton IL) answer questions posed by ILVSG Director Dan Roberts about the importance of low vision rehabilitation to a person’s psychological and spiritual well-being.
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“Suffering, Endurance, Character, and Hope”
This inspiring speech was delivered by Paul Karos at the opening session of Visions 2012, sponsored by the Foundation Fighting Blindness. Mr. Karos, who was diagnosed at the age of eight with retinitis pigmentosa, describes how vision loss affected his life as he traveled the road from desperation as a young man to becoming one of the top executives in the country.
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“Participating in a Clinical Trial”
This is the second in our series of presentations selected from the Visions 2012 conference, sponsored by the Foundation Fighting Blindness. Dr. David Birch covers the many aspects of a clinical trial a patient should know before participating in one. Topics will include inclusion and exclusion criteria, what to expect during study visits, open-label versus placebo controlled studies, and why clinical trials are important.The second part presents Drs. David Wilson, Matthew Vincent, and David Saperstein, who describe three major clinical trials now underway.
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“Growing Through Grief: Emotional Adjustment to Vision Loss”
This third session in the Visions 2012 series presents Ellen Morrow, who reviews the feelings and reactions to grieving the loss of vision. She describes different types of loss and different methods of coping, including inner strength and outer resources. She also discusses newer research on significant factors in resiliency.
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“Overcoming the ‘Obstacle’ of Blindness”
The fourth Visions 2012 entry presents Eric Weihenmayer, the only blind man to climb all seven summits, offering an impactful message about harnessing the power of adversity and using it as fuel for greatness. Viewing adversity not as the enemy, but as the pathway. He emphasizes the importance of teamwork and talks about the daily struggle to pursue dreams.
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“Crime Prevention and Personal Safety for the Blind and Visually Impaired”
Our final selection from the Visions 2012 conference introduces Bobbi Moore, who provides tips for the visually impaired to increase confidence and the ability to handle themselves in a dangerous situation.
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“Summary of Research and Developments 2013”
MD Support Director Dan Roberts presents his annual report on pertinent low vision research and developments during the past 12 months.
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“Understanding Drug Side Effects and Adverse Events”
MD Support Director Dan Roberts explains what patients should and should not be concerned about when undergoing drug treatment.
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“ADA Complementary Paratransit Basics”
Information from Easter Seals Project Action about alternative transportation for the visually impaired. Presenter: Kristi McLaughlin. Training and Technical Assistance Specialist.
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“Where Did I Put It?”
Polly Abbott, Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist at Second Sense, shares strategies and tips for organizing and identifying belongings. Polly provides further information on how to create independence through a system of organization.
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“Is the iPhone/iPad Right for Low Vision Seniors?”
Hadley School for the Blind instructor Amy Salmon explains the many benefits an easy-to-use iDevice can offer to our low vision community.
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“Aging and Low Vision”
Bryan Gerritsen, CLVT, discusses how we are confronted daily with different visual challenges, and how we can handle them.
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“Overcoming the Emotional Barrier of Blindness”
Michael Hingson tells how he and his guide dog survived the Twin Towers attack on 9/11. Author Michael Hingson inspires us with his courage and insight.
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“The Monster Behind The Door”
Fear of the unknown, and of being alone, are the worst of all fears, and, therefore, the biggest challenges in coping with progressive vision loss. Conquering those fears can open doors of opportunities never thought possible.
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“Echolocation: Seeing With Your Tongue”
Daniel Kish teaches the blind to navigate the world using tongue clicks. He tells us how it is done and discusses his philosophy of how we see.
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“Riding the Wave of Evolving Technology”
New technology combined with blindness skills can replace eyesight in up to 99% of normal daily living activities. Featuring “Sarah’s Day” in her own words.
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“Summary of Research and Development 2013-14”
MD Support Director Dan Roberts presents his 9th annual report on pertinent low vision research and developments during the previous 12 months.
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“Twenty Things Eye Doctors Probably Don’t Tell You (But Would Like You To Know)”
Sometimes doctors are better off just not saying anything, but here is what they could very well be thinking. A revealing and often humorous peek into the minds of those who care for us.
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“Ending Blindness”
A capsulized Charlie Rose panel discussion on promising developments in gene therapy, stem cell therapy, and retinal chip implantation.
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“Living With a Low Vision Person”
Nancy Goodman Torpey & Peter Torpey (hosts of the weekly Internet podcast, Eyes On Success) interview family members of people with low vision. The session also includes helpful information for caregivers provided by Dan Roberts.
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“Using a Cane: Is it Right for Me?”
Presented by Julie Deden, (Executive Director, Colorado Center for the Blind) at VISIONS 2014, sponsored by the Foundation Fighting Blindness.
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Movie format (mp4) from here through 2018

“Overcoming Challenges of Vision Loss”
Nancy Goodman Torpey & Peter Torpey (hosts of the weekly Internet podcast, Eyes On Success) often say that nothing is impossible just because you can’t see. In this session, we hear heartfelt thoughts from several visually impaired people on the subject and how they have overcome others telling them something was impossible.

“All About Glasses”
Dan Roberts (ILVSG Director) explains prescription numbers, types of eyeglasses, how visual acuity is measured, and how to choose the right sunglasses.

“Don’t Let Low Vision Bring you Down: Coping with Depression, Anxiety and Anger”
Presented by Beth Gustin (Center For People With Disabilities) at VISIONS 2014, sponsored by the Foundation Fighting Blindness.

“Summary of Research & Developments 2015”
Dan Roberts’ annual wrap-up of the past 12 months of news from the field of low vision.

“Sightseeing Without Sight”
Dan Roberts introduces new research which has shown that our brains actually do form mental images from what we hear. Sightseeing can, therefore, be possible if we just “open our ears” to the sounds around us.

To make sightseeing easier, Peter Torpey and Nancy Goodman Torpey discuss making the best of nonvisual senses while traveling, including examples from their recent trip. It includes audio clips, pointers about information available at most Visitor Centers, and suggestions of the kinds of accommodations one might expect.

At the end of the presentation, a fun demonstration of “audio imaging” involves the listener.

“Training and Raising Guide Dogs”
Peter Torpey and Nancy Goodman Torpey speak with Pam Boy (Region Coordinator for Guiding Eyes For The Blind) about the making of a guide dog, from breeding to final graduation.


“Preparing For Vision Loss”
Nancy and Peter Torpey talk about how you can prepare for eventual vision loss by preparing your home, using adaptive aids, becoming aware of your other senses, accessible technology and more.

“Leading in the Dark”
Former New York Governor David Paterson talks about his journey as the state’s first African American, and legally blind, governor. He relates several stories about the predicaments his visual condition got him into, with his main point being that we need to sometimes just let those kinds of situations just roll off our backs, and maybe even find the humor in them.

“The Sociology of Disability”
Peter Torpey and Nancy Goodman Torpey interview Tom Behler, a blind college professor of sociology, who provides unique insight into how people with disabilities are treated by society.

“Update and Overview of Macular Degeneration”
Part 1: Dr. Emily Chew (NEI) reviews the AREDS research and also gave an overview of age-related macular degeneration.
Part 2: Dr. Mark Kleinman (Univ of KY) describes ongoing clinical trials testing drugs for both wet and dry macular degeneration.

“The Future of Driving With Visual Impairment”
David Seftel, MD, interviews Philip C Hessburg, MD, about hope for the future of visually impaired drivers. Relaxation of driving regulations and the advent of autonomous vehicles are discussed.

“Summary of Research and Developments 2016”
Dan Roberts (MD Support Director) describes major events from the past 12 months of medical research.

“Gene Therapy 101”
Dr. Shannon Boye (Univ of FL) and Dr. John Flannery (Univ of CA, Berkley) describe recent developments in gene therapy treatment for ophthalmic conditions.

“Stem Cells 201”
Dr. David Gamm (University of Wisconsin) and Dr. Dennis Clegg (University of California, Santa Barbara) provide an update on developments in stem cell transplantation therapy for retinal diseases.

“Living Life Unafraid”
Rebecca Alexander, psychotherapist and author, tells about living successfully with loss of both vision and hearing.

“Taking Care of the Future You”
Ellen Troyer returns with her annual presentation to the people in our Low Vision Community. This time it’s all about the importance of preparing for a future of personal independence, comfort, and good health.


“Hidden Thoughts of the Visually Impaired”
Dan Roberts sheds light on 30 private comments commonly heard from people affected by blindness and low vision. This short presentation is most effective when followed by group discussion.

“The Vision Rehabilitation Therapist: Your Advocate for Independence”
Ed Haines from the Hadley Institute talks about the services of one of the most important professionals in the low vision team.

“Low Vision Rehabilitation from the Inside Out”
Gregg Pusateri, O.D., M.Div. (Spectrios Institute for Low Vision), discusses the value of low vision rehabilitation as a way of providing low vision people with “hope, independence, and dignity in their lives”.

“Summary of Research & Development 2017”
Dan Roberts looks at the past 12 months of reports and headlines.

“Adapting Your Home for the Blind and Visually Impaired”
Neva Fairchild (American Foundation for the Blind Center on Vision Loss) describes simple, but important ways life around the house or apartment can be made easier.

“Transitioning to Blindness”
(from “Eyes On Success” Podcast 1545, Nov. 4, 2015)

Losing one’s vision as an adult can be difficult. This week hosts Nancy and Peter Torpey talk with Susan Krieger about her experiences as she transitioned from the sighted world to using a cane and guide dog. Hear about 3 books she has written in which she documents her journey through a series of entertaining and insightful essays.

“Don’t Wait For Luck”
Motivational speaker Paul Appleyard tells his inspirational story about how he became a World Champion Blind Golfer.

“What’s So Scary About Blind People?”
Dan Roberts discusses blindness issues, including a reading of an opinion essay, “Why Do We Fear the Blind?”, by author Rosemary Mahoney. Dan concludes with suggestions for how visually impaired individuals can help others feel more comfortable in their company.


“Your Amazing Eyes”
Dan Roberts encourages appreciation of our eyes for their astounding design and abilities. Lots of interesting and fun facts about the eyes are presented, including an explanation of how baseball players are able to hit fastballs.

“Acting Blind”
(Edited from Episode #1707 of Eyes On Success)
Pursuing a career in the performing arts as a professional actor comes with a number of challenges whether one is blind or not. Even for the blind, however, these barriers are not insurmountable. Guest hosts Nancy and Peter Torpey talk with George Ashiotis about his career and experiences as a blind actor and how he manages to live his dream.

“Selections from ‘Through Our Eyes'”
A reading of a small part of MD Support’s extensive collection of the most memorable messages, essays, and poems from two decades of sharing within the low vision community. Most of the readings may also be found in the free large print publication, “Through Our Eyes”, available from Living Well With Low Vision.

“The Blind Driver Challenge”
(Audio only. Edited from Episode #1703 of Eyes On Success)
Attitudes about what the blind can and cannot do have been challenged by the work of the National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute and their efforts to create a car that the blind can drive independently. Guest hosts Nancy and Peter Torpey talk with Mark Riccobono, President of the NFB, about this project and what it is like to drive a car without seeing.

“Summary of Research & Development – 2018”
Dan Roberts reviews the past 12 months of reports and headlines and takes a look at the future.

“The Gift of Blindness”
(Audio only)
In his TEDxEuston presentation, blind songwriter and music producer Cobhams Asuquo delivers his inspirational thoughts on three lessons he has learned from blindness. The talk is followed by his performance of “There Are Angels All Around”.

“Learn About The Talking Books Library Service”
(Audio only. Edited from Episode #1749 of Eyes On Success)
Nancy and Peter Torpey interview Debbie McCloud, Director of the Colorado Talking Book Library, about their day-to-day operation and the services that are available through the National Library Service’s Talking Books program.

“Low Vision Optometrists Make Life Easier”
Edited from Episode #1725 of Eyes On Success).
There is no question that people with vision problems should be seen by an ophthalmologist to evaluate their condition. Low vision optometrists, on the other hand, aim to provide solutions to help in daily living. Hosts Nancy and Peter Torpey talk with George Kornfeld, O.D., about aids and services that you might find beneficial.

“Nutrition: Separating Fact From Fiction”
Expert nutritionist Ellen Troyer sets the story straight about food and supplements for best eye health.


Audio-only (mp3) format from here.

“Our Ears Deserve More Respect”
Dan Roberts encourages appreciation of the sense of hearing as an excellent substitute for vision. Lots of interesting and fun facts about the ears are presented.

“From Coping to Thriving With Vision Loss”
A discussion between Becky Andrews, LCMHC, FT and a small group of attendees at the 2016 VISIONS Conference sponsored by the Foundation Fighting Blindness. Her strong belief is that grief is a personal, unique journey through which we can transform and move with resilience. This journey is familiar to everyone who has experienced vision loss.

“Everybody Can Be An Advocate”
Dan Roberts discusses ways that patients can advocate for their needs with eye care professionals, other members of the blind and low vision community, family members and friends, and elected officials. By so doing, patients can not only offer a necessary gift to families and communities, but they can reap the pleasures of personal accomplishment and purpose.

“Learning to Live with Low Vision”
An encore presentation from June 2006 featuring a man’s first-person account of his journey from discovery to independence through low vision rehabilitation. Edited for length.

“The T.A.S.K. of Living With Central Vision Loss”
An encore presentation from May 2006 about the four effective strategies for living successfully with visual impairment: Tenacity, Adaptability, Support, and Knowledge.

“Summary of Research & Development – 2019”
Dan Roberts summarizes the past 12 months of reports and headlines.

“Architect Doesn’t Let Blindness Stop Him”
Having gone blind, architect Chris Downey says he’s actually gotten better at his job. A social worker tried to tell him about “career alternatives”, but he wasn’t about to give up. This month’s presentation features a 12-minute interview with CBS reporter Lesley Stahl, specially edited for us from a January 2019 “60 Minutes” broadcast. The report is followed by discussion points for personal or group consideration.

“Adventures in Darkness”
A moving and inspirational discussion with Tom Sullivan (actor, singer, entertainer, author, producer).

“Successful Self-Management”
How you can manage your own continuum of care and be an effective partner in your treatment and rehabilitation.
Presenter: Lynne Noon, O.D., FAAO, Diplomate in Low Vision Rehabilitation; President,

“Hallucinations and Low Vision: Understanding Charles Bonnet Syndrome”
A first-person description of the hallucinations caused by CBS, followed by an explanation of the syndrome and an update on latest research in the field.
Presenter: Dan Roberts with Oliver Sacks, M.D. and Marjorie Louer. Edited for length from an earlier presentation.

“Reclaiming Independence: Staying in the Driver Seat When You No Longer Drive”
As part of her talk, L. Penny Rosenblum, Ph.D. (University of Arizona) will discuss types of transportation options including:

  • Rides with friends and family
  • Public transportation such as buses and light rail
  • Taxi cabs
  • Paratransit services
  • Air travel

“Memory as a Substitute for Vision: The Aging Brain”
A discussion of why maintaining memory skills is important for low vision seniors.
Presenter: Colleen O’Donnell, MSA, OTR, CLVT (Visual Rehabilitation and Research Center, Henry Ford Health System)


“Correcting 10 Misconceptions About AMD”
Dan Roberts clears the air about common myths and misunderstandings that can lead us astray when dealing with low vision.

“Stem Cell Treatment For AMD”
Presenter: Kevin McCormick (Communications Director at California Institute for Regenerative Medicine)

“Where Are We Now?”
Dan Roberts revisits headlines from 2006 and discusses progress since then.

“What’s New in Low Vision Technology?”
Update by Dan Roberts on latest devices, software, and applications, followed by a discussion of how low vision specialists can help patients utilize remaining vision to its fullest potential through technology.

“Seeing Lessons”
Presenter: Tom Sullivan (Blind Entertainer, Author, Actor and Athlete)

“Keeping Fit: Fall Prevention and Exercise for Older Adults with Vision Loss”
Presenter: Anne Riddering, OTR/L, CLVT, COMS (Henry Ford Health System, Detroit MI)

“Spirituality Can Help”
Presenter: Colleen O’Donnell, MSA, OTR, CLVT (Visual Rehabilitation and Research Center, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit MI)

“Emotion and Adjustment”
Presenter: Julia Kleinschmidt. PhD (Director, Patient Support Program, Moran Eye Center, Utah

“What’s So Funny About Low Vision?”
Presenter: Dan Roberts (ILVSG Director)
20 minutes of humorous jokes and anecdotes about life with visual impairment, as contributed by members of the MD Support low vision community.

“Review and Update: Dry AMD”
Presenter: Claire Bailey
Moderator: Cathy Yelf, Director, Macula Society, UK
A review of pathology and discussion of current management options and clinical research.

“Looking Past Limits”
Presenter: Carolyn Casey (Founding CEO, Aisling Foundation)
Activist Caroline Casey tells the story of her extraordinary life, starting with the revelation that she has been visually impaired since childhood. In a talk that challenges perceptions, Casey asks us all to move beyond the limits we may think we have. 


“Head, Heart, and Eyes”
Presenter: Tracy Williams, OD, FAAO (Spectrios Institute for Low Vision, Wheaton, IL)
An approach to low vision rehabilitation designed to “lift human spirits” and advance independence for people with vision loss.

“Having Fun With Vision Loss”
Presenter: Neva Fairchild
Things we can do to make our lives more enjoyable, efficient, and effective in spite of vision loss. Recorded at VISIONS 2020: June 25-27, 2020.

“Mental Health: Coping with Anxiety, Depression, and Stress Related to Vision Loss”
Dr. Ann Wagner (Clinical Psychologist, Minneapolis VA Health Care System).
Erick Ringham (Editor, National Public Radio News and Minneapolis Star Tribune).
Recorded at VISIONS 2020: June 25-27, 2020.

“Limited Vision…Unlimited Potential”
Tracy Williams, O.D., F.A.A.O. and Gregg Pusateri, O.D., M.Div. (Spectrios Institute, Wheaton IL) answer questions in a reprise of the ILVSG’s 2012 session on the importance of low vision rehabilitation to a person’s psychological and spiritual well-being.

“Overcoming the ‘Obstacle’ of Blindness”
Eric Weihenmayer, the only blind man to climb all seven summits, offers an impactful message about harnessing the power of adversity and using it as fuel for greatness. Viewing adversity not as the enemy, but as the pathway. He emphasizes the importance of teamwork and talks about the daily struggle to pursue dreams.

“Travel Without Trouble (In Spite of Low Vision)”
Let’s talk about ways we can travel safely and comfortably. Lots of tips and tricks will be shared.

“Where Did I Put It?”
Polly Abbott, Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist, shares strategies and tips for organizing and identifying belongings. Polly provides further information on how to create independence through a system of organization.
This edited presentation is available only to affiliates by selecting this link.

“Understanding Drug Side Effects and Adverse Events”
ILVSG Director Dan Roberts explains what patients should and should not be concerned about when undergoing drug treatment. 

“ADA Complementary Paratransit Basics”
Information from Easter Seals Project Action about alternative transportation for the visually impaired. Presenter: Kristi McLaughlin. Training and Technical Assistance Specialist.

“Crime Prevention and Personal Safety for the Blind and Visually Impaired”
Bobbi Moore provides tips for the visually impaired to increase confidence and the ability to handle themselves in a dangerous situation.


Twenty Things Eye Doctors Probably Don’t Tell You (But Would Like You To Know)”
Sometimes doctors are better off just not saying anything, but here is what they could very well be thinking. Dan Roberts offers a revealing and often humorous peek into the minds of those who care for us.

“Growing Through Grief: 
Emotional Adjustment to Vision Loss”
Presenter Ellen Morrow reviews the feelings and reactions to grieving the loss of vision. She describes different types of loss and different methods of coping, including inner strength and outer resources. She also discusses research on significant factors in resiliency.

Riding the Wave of Evolving Technology
New technology combined with blindness skills can replace eyesight in up to 99% of normal daily living activities. Featuring “Sarah’s Day” in her own words.

“The Monster Behind the Door”
Fear of the unknown, and of being alone, are the worst of all fears, and, therefore, the biggest challenges in coping with progressive vision loss. Conquering those fears can open doors of opportunities never thought possible. Dan Roberts speaks from personal experience.

“Overcoming the Emotional Barrier of Blindness” 
Best-selling author and international lecturer Michael Hingson demonstrates that overcoming the challenges and adversities of blindness is all about overcoming a misguided attitude about blindness. Michael makes his point by describing how he and his guide dog, Roselle, survived the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. 

“All About Eyeglasses”
What do those abbreviations and numbers on the prescription mean? Why does your daughter have the same prescription as you, when your vision is so much worse? What does 20/20 mean? If your best vision without glasses is 20/200, are you legally blind? Should you wear tinted lenses? How do you know what kinds of sunglasses are best?

“Overcoming Challenges of Vision Loss”
Nancy Goodman Torpey & Peter Torpey (hosts of the weekly Internet podcast, Eyes On Success) often say that nothing is impossible just because you can’t see. In this session, we hear heartfelt thoughts from several visually impaired people on the subject and how they have overcome others telling them something was impossible.

“Taking Care of the Future You”
Nutritionist Ellen Troyer discusses the importance of preparing for a future of personal independence, comfort, and good health.

“Seeing Red”
What makes us angry as visually impaired individuals? A brief introductory presentation by Dan Roberts is to be followed by a safe and non-judgmental opportunity for groups to blow off a little steam!

“Low Vision Rehabilitation from the Inside Out”
Gregg Pusateri, O.D., M.Div. discusses the value of low vision rehabilitation.

“What’s So Scary About Blind People?”
Dan Roberts discusses blindness issues, including a reading of an opinion essay, “Why Do We Fear the Blind?”, by author Rosemary Mahoney. Dan concludes with suggestions for how visually impaired individuals can help others feel more comfortable in their company

“Don’t Let Low Vision Bring you Down: Coping with Depression, Anxiety and Anger”
Presented by Beth Gustin (Center For People With Disabilities) at VISIONS 2014, sponsored by the Foundation Fighting Blindness.


“Adapting Your Home for the Blind and Visually Impaired”
In this encore of one of our favorite past presentations, Neva Fairchild (American Foundation for the Blind Center on Vision Loss) describes how simple, but important ways life around the house or apartment can be made easier.

“Navigating Everyday Tasks With Less Stress”
Anita Arikawa passes along her ideas about living our daily lives. She will cover identifying and labeling, cooking, cleaning, and grooming in this encore recording of her talk at the 2014 Vision Conference of the Foundation Fighting Blindness.

“Hidden Thoughts of the Visually Impaired”
Dan Roberts sheds light on 30 private comments commonly heard from people affected by blindness and low vision. This short presentation is most effective when followed by group discussion.

No further additions to library after this date.