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Cataract Surgery

Accounts of Personal Experiences
Cataract surgery in patients with ARMD may be associated with an increased risk for developing the advanced wet form. Most doctors will, therefore, recommend it only if vision is severely compromised. For more information, seeĀ Cataract Surgery and Retinal Degeneration.

Pamela Erb:

October 19, 2007

Just wanted to let everyone know that I had my first cataract surgery this past Wednesday. I am a 48 year old female with myopic macular degeneration, a recent bleed in the right eye as of August, which one Avastin shot dried up. I also have central scarring and 20/200 in the left eye from a bleed and 7 PDT’s and intravenous combretastatin (a vascular targeting agent I was given in a clinical trial). The left eye is stable with no new bleeds and still has a cataract. The right eye is now 20/25 estimated with a negative implant. My correction in this eye that had the cataract removed was -30 at the last checkup. The left eye is now about -28. Corneal specialist was reluctant to do the cataract surgery until he and I were sure this was the only option. After a year and a half, he had finally agreed to do the surgery. He states of all his 25 years of practicing and teaching at the university, he has not dealt with someone with such extreme myopia.

The surgery was performed under general anesthesia for several reasons. One, he did not want to use all the needles in the eye to increase risk of detachment. Two, if something DID happen during surgery, I was OUT and three, my nervousness would not then be an issue. My intraocular pressure is at 29 but he expected that. I now, like everyone else that has the cataract surgery, must be careful about bending, lifting and getting struck in the face.

I just wanted to say how thankful I am to have access to such a site/forum where we all can discuss our concerns, get answers to our questions and ask for support. Because of this, I am an informed healthcare consumer and continue to learn!

pheinze (posted to MDForum):

September 11, 2013

I had my first cataract surgery today. My father came up to drive me to and from the hospital. We stayed in Marshalltown, Iowa, the night before, where the surgery was performed at Marshalltown Medical and Surgical Center. I registered at a little before 7 am and it was all over with by 9:05.

I was not out, only mildly sedated, and I could see colors and hear noises and feel some pressure but felt no pain or anxiety. Everyone I know who has had cataract surgery has raved about how great they could see afterwards and I wasn’t getting my hopes up too much because I figured I was too nearsighted to get good results and then there’s the myopic degeneration. But I am very pleased. For the first time since I was seven I can see out of this eye without either glasses or contacts. Playing with the Snellen Card from Dan’s book, my left eye is 20/50 about five hours post op. I will still need correction for astigmatism.

I am still very dilated as I am writing this now and wearing my contact lens in my right eye. The right eye will be done in two weeks.