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Mary Brown

Name: Mary Brown

Born: May 16, 1942

Home: Greenville, NC

Diagnosis: Early onset dry macular dystrophy or cone/rod dystrophy - not sure which.

Eyes Affected: Both the very same

Eye Color: Dark brown.

Age at Diagnosis: 45

Visual Acuity: 20/200 both eyes.

Treatment: None.

Prognosis or Current State of Vision: I am now legally blind. Doctors are not sure if it will continue to detriorate or not.

Family History: None in my family

Impact on My Life: Has caused sadness, depression, but not despair. I hate losing independence. But I always am thankful knowing it could be something worse. I focus on being thankful for the blessings I do have.

Positive Effects: Has deepened my relationship with God and my family and friends. Much comfort from all three. I have gotten to know my friends better as they are driving me around now. I have also developed a patience and peace I didn't have before!!

Adaptations: I use Zoomtext on the computer and a CCTv. Strong prismic reading glasses enable me to read large print but it is still tiring. I found some peripheral binoculars at A Sharper Image that I can use indoors to help see what my house looks like. They are not too strong distance, but do include the wide view. Use plum Noir sunglasses or amber perscription. Sometimes I use my Ocutech glasses to watch TV but find them rather awkward. I sit very close to a large screen.

Working: Property management from my home.

More About Me: I feel I have something very rare and would enjoy talking to anyone with similar problems. Or any problems. This group has been so instrumental in helping me to accept my condition. I feel I have some true friends here.

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