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Name: Leni Wilhelmi

Born: 1-12-48 in Denver CO...GO BRONCOS!

Home: Elko (miles from anywhere) NV

Diagnosis: Myopic MD which went wet and grew a membrane.

Eyes Affected: Both

Eye Color: Brown

Age at Diagnosis: 48

Visual Acuity: Blind in the right eye; can't see out of the left.

Treatment: Laser once in the right which wiped out my center of vision, twice in the left Then it grew the membrane thing.

Prognosis or Current State of Vision: Bad; can't be helped.

Family History: None.

Impact on My Life: I lost my job, can't drive and have to relearn how to do everything!

Positive Effects: I am thankful every day for what I CAN see!

Adaptations: I have a CCTV to read. Binocular glasses to see TV and other midrange objects, puff paint on my appliances so I can know what the settings are, lights everywhere, different reading glasses everywhere, sunglasses for bright and dim days and a sense of humor for all the mistakes I make!

Working: Not any more.

More About Me: I love football! Just my luck, my eyes went out as my Broncos were finally winning! I am married—still—to Dewey, who has put up with my tantrums on low humor days. God bless him. We like sandrailing and camping. we have 3 cats, no kids.

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