Home » Dr. James R. Dillon Memorial Outreach Club

Dr. James R. Dillon Memorial Outreach Club

James R. Dillon, O.D. was a doctor and humanitarian who was taken from us unexpectedly at the age of 58 in April 2002. Much of what MD Support is today is due to “Dr. Jim’s” generosity and dedication, and we could only benefit by trying to fill the gap which his passing has left in our low vision community.

Our appreciation goes to the following people for their contributions to the outreach programs of MD Support.

Alia Abbas
Sadonya Antebi
Bette Abramowitz (in memory of Alex Holman)
Shirley Babb (in memory of Louis Hanson)
Gary Bachetti
Winifred Baldwin
Nellie Bandelier
Olive Barresi
Vicki Bascom
Suzanne Bassinger
Elaine Benfield
Melissa Berger
Daniel Berman (Dedicated to Ellen Stross)
Michael Birchmeyer
Ralph Black
Karine Bonnet
Karen Bower
Mark Bramante (in memory of Matthew Bramante)
Donna Broadstock
Karen Brock
Barbara Brown
Janet Brown
Mary Brown
Esther Brudo
Opal Burt
Alvah Butler
Don Butler
Nancy Brubaker (in memory of Dolores Menges)
Bruce Carlberg (in the name of Mona Carlberg)
Rachel Casey
Sharon Chambers
Betty Chapman
Kay Charles
Patsy Chazen
Judith Cheape (in memory of James R. Dillon, O.D.)
David Cheung
Sharon Chism
Robert Clark
Shosh Cohen
Shay Collier
Anne Marie Colviello
Elaine Cook
Richard Cook
Jerry Cox
Sherri Craven
Betty Craver (in memory of James R. Dillon, O.D.)
Ron Culver
Sandra D’Amato
Norma Day
Kitty Dennison
James R. Dillon, O.D. & Anna Maynard
Jan DiSantostefano
Domingo Dones
Carole Dotson
DSA Architects Planners (in memory of Betty Baldwin)
Lynn DuBroff (in memory of Alex Holman)
Helen Duffy
Nancy Dunn
Thelma Easter (in memory of John D. Nadal)
Judy & Bob Eichinger (in memory of Alex Holman)
Linda Eisenhart (in honor of Marie Eisenhart)
Sarah Elden
Barbara Emanuele
Deanna Evans
Cindy Eyler
Irving C. Faust, Jr.
Judith Fichtenholtz (in memory of Alex Holman)
Lawrence & Marilyn Francis
Novelene Freeman
Thalia Furstenberg
Joyce Garnes
Freeda L. Garrett
Kelly Gaule
Genentech Pharmaceuticals
Sandy George
Susan Gerhart (in memory of Dr. Charles Hardwick)
Dennis and Laura Gierhart
Michael Gismonde
Richard & Barbara Goldstein
Freda Graham
Maurizio Grottaroli
Sharyn Greeley
Harvey Greenstein
Ruby Gregario
Marilyn Greulach
James and Barbara Griffin (in memory of Alex Holman)
Zenith Gross (in honor of Alex Holman’s birthday and in memoriam)
Richard J Grossman (in memory of Alex Holman)
Keith Guidry
Betty Guggolz (in memory of her son, James R. Dillon, O.D.)
Lauren Halperen (in memory of Alex Holman)
Robert Harriman
Hardy Family Foundation (in the name of Gretchen Hardee)
Robert Harriman
Dave (J.D.) Harper
Stephanie Hart
Mary Harvatich
Pam Heinze
Henrietta Henderson
Jennifer Hensil, O.D., M.S.
Donna Hepper
Mary Hicken
Bert Holman and Randy Foster (in memory of Alex Holman)
Gaynor Hintz
Adele Holman (in memory of Jack Ingber)
Adele Holman (in memory of Alex Holman)
Alex Holman
Merton Holman
Susan Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. M. Jaffee (in memory of Alex Holman)
Harry & Veneta Jenkins (in memory of Laverne E. Jenkins)
Anne Johnson
Elizabeth F. Jones
Tom Jordan
Dr. Naeem Karnalkar
Wanda Karriker
Deanna Kerr
Tom & Roxanne Keys
Maria King
Nancy Kinzie (in memory of Betty Baldwin)
M.A. Kiley
John Kirschbaum
Nancy Kuntzman
Michelle Lampton
Cora Sue Learmonth
Madeline Leff (in memory of Alex Holman)
Mel Leiserowitz
George Lewis
Loar/Baron Family
Darlene Lockey
Anne Lytle
Gloria Mahaffey
Joan A. Maliszewski
Margaret Mariner
Lorraine Masters
Paige Mathis
Jane Matiash
Frances Mattson
Mrs. L. Mausner
Ken Maynard (in memory of James R. Dillon, O.D.)
Thomas McCabe
Chuck McEnroe
John McGovern
Linda Middleton
Marie Millsaps
Marc Minnies
Judith and Jerry Moncarz (in memory of Alex Holman)
Pam Moore
Rachelle Morea
Elizabeth T. Musso
National Eye Institute (National Institute of Health)
National Naval Medical Center
Bethesda 1 Reserve Unit (in memory of Capt James Dillon USNR)
Pamela Newton
Elizabeth Nimphius
Sharon Noseworthy
Tess Noble
Bev Noga
Barbara Olin (in memory of James R. Dillon, O.D.)
Linda Olsen
Alice Oppenheimer
Oppenheimer Brothers
Dave Pearce
Peter Basso Associates (in memory of Betty Baldwin)
Robin Peters
Charles Peterson
Orli Weisser-Pike
Frosty R. Povick
Josh Powell
Judy Prevost
Professional Ophthalmic
Laboratories (in memory of James R. Dillon, O.D.)
Mariann Redfern
Dina Redmon
Mary Regester
Vera Rinehart
Dan & Chris Roberts
Nettie Rooks & Family (in memory of Laverne E. Jenkins)
Friends & Family of
Carolyn Root
Dorothy Rossner
Dan Ruchman
Edwin & Sharon Russ
Sandra Russell
Dorothy Ryan
Paige Sayler
John Schillereff
Louise Schirle
William Schreiner
Sandy Seitz
Eugene Semanchick
Gary Serrani
Vesta Shapiro
Barbara Sharpe
Lavonne Shepherd
Kelly Shinn
Eva Shipp
Mary Ann Shoemaker
Sandy Seitz
Steven Skolochenko
Karen Slaven
Nick Sloan
Barbara Smith
Darrell Smithwick
Eugene and Sally Stamper (in memory of Alex Holman)
Ellen Stross
Shenandoah Valley Navy League (in memory of James R. Dillon, O.D.)
Marjorie & Bernard Sunshine (in memory of Alex Holman)
Susan Talarico
Doris Tanico
Carol Thompson
Anne Thorne
Dede Throgmorton
Jeanne A Tretta
Bruce Vance
Patti Vincent
Thomas VanBaren
Pam Varouxis
Lester Wainright
Kandice Walker-McGraw
Wendy Strouse Watt, O.D. (in memory of Harold Arrington, David Garrett, George Heitzenrater, & Herman Siemans)
Edna Watts
Ellen Wehrman
Janet Wells
Wednesday Peer Group (in memory of Alex Holman)
Barbara Westerfield (in memory of Alex Holman)
Lesley Wighton
Wallace Wilhoite
Fran Wise
Bob Wooten
Jeanne Wright
Helen Yancy
Ella Youell
Janet Yunghans
Richard Zambrano