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Phi-Motion Angiography

Accounts of Personal Experiences

Janet Yunghans (for father, Walter Casebeer):

I promised several of you that I would give an update on my father’s progress with his Wet (occult) MD. We had two important visits last week: one to his new Retinal Specialist and one to the Low Vision Doctor. Both were very productive! He did have laser surgery last week- a fairly new type called Phi-Motion Angiography, or Feeder Vessel Treatment. We were very happy with the decision. The doctor assures us that, although he cannot promise improvement, the laser will not harm him. Below is my father’s story, from an e-mail to my sister.

“Yesterday, Mother and I spent the entire day in Dr. Federman’s office (mostly waiting room). and I finally received three laser shots into what he determined were the ones causing the leaking into my macula area. (Arrival time at office 9:30 – departure time 5:15). I had photos taken twice in the AM and twice again in the afternoon until he was satisfied as to where the most probable veins were causing the leaking.

“The fourth photo session he came in and viewed the screen (this is a digital camera with an instant monitor picture) and asked me to view the picture with him as he pointed out the three probable feeder veins to the clouded area. He said, our aim is to stop the leaking so there is no more loss of vision and with the hopes some of the previous leaking clears up enough that some of my vision returns. The treatment was of course an unpleasant ordeal of a bright light and need to hold still during the laser treatment.

“I have no pain, no headache, just like nothing has changed. My sight seems the same today and before the treatment, so there was no laser damage. The proof is yet to be had. I go back again next Tuesday for a check, no doubt more pictures, but with the rapid photo camera used to seek the feeder veins, there is no bright lights, no discomfort other than drops in the eye and, yes, there is the introduction of iodine into my arm vein. This is done simultaneously. It takes 15 seconds for the iodine to enter the eye veins and makes them show up.”

Janet Yunghans (for father, Walter Casebeer), 2nd report: “Today’s visit: First a standard eye check, reading lines, drops for dilation, etc. and pressure test by a technician (for the record). Nothing has changed, I still read to the third line (20-100). However, I really thought I was seeing slightly better this morning. Next, Tom, the camera technician, took another series of rapid photos introducing iodine into my arm vein. Later, after reviewing the photos, Dr. F related to me he would not do anything today and that my eye is stable and for me to come back in two weeks for another photo check up session. So I guess you might say the intent of the treatment to make my vision ‘stable’ is being met so far. I will be happy with that–but will greatly accept a bonus. I was sure this morning I had received a bonus, but the charts proved I was ‘stable’.”

Janet Yunghans (for father, Walter Casebeer), 3rd report:

We are very pleased with my father’s latest visit to his doctor. Here’s what he had to say:

Had another follow up visit today with Dr. Federman and he is pleased with my condition. Before seeing him, a technician, as is usual, had me read the chart and I was able to read an extra line. Not sharply, but enough to make out the correct letters. After the technician put dilating drops in my eyes, Dr. F examined my eye with the usual bright light and told his photo technician to photograph my eyes. So I had a series of photos, first with the single flash camera and again with the rapid photo camera. Each session had the usual vein injection. After reading the computer screen of each camera, he asked the technician to bring up a certain view from the photos taken on the previous visit. His response was I am doing very well, there are signs of improvement, and he was especially pleased with the extra line. I didn’t say anything, but if you recall Dr. Jen said there could be some improvement once the swelling caused by the laser subsided. Regardless, I am holding my own. Dr. F has me scheduled to return in six weeks, however with a warning: any signs of a change I should call and come to him immediately. So far, the Feeder Vessel Treatment seems to be working for me.

Janet Yunghans (for father, Walter Casebeer), 4th report:

My father recently went for a checkup with his RS and he received good news that he wanted me to pass along to you. Here’s what he said…

“I just returned from Dr. Federman and he is very pleased with my eye. He says he is sure the feeder vessel laser treatment was successful. His technician took pictures with both cameras, the one with the flash and the, as I call it, rapid photo, each one with an intravenous injection to bring out the definition of the vessels. My next appointment is in three months (May 8), unless some noticeable change occurs.” We are all quite pleased. . . with the results of the feeder vessel treatment.

Janet Yunghans (for father, Walter Casebeer), 5th report:

My dad asked me to pass along an update on his progress since his feeder vessel treatment last winter. We were quite pleased with the news of his recent visit to the doctor. He writes:

“As I told you on Sunday, the eye flickering appeared to be more prevalent, and I was concerned there might be new hemorrhaging. I had been reading quite a lot with the bright lamp, and while I had noticed in the past that bright lights seemed to increase the flickering, the excessive flickering wasn’t going away. Dr. Federman told me if ever I had any changes to contact his office, so I called his office and was told that he was on vacation, but that I would see his associate, Dr. Sarin. Dr. Sarin examined my eye and said there was no change, there was no hemorrhaging, and I should keep my September appointment with Dr. F.

“So my Feeder Vessel laser treatment of November 20, which eventually dried up, is still holding. My vision the other day was 20/80. I have lost a line however since my June visit. Am I (bright light magnifying glass) reading too much? Dr. Sarin says no. But the flickering is still more prevalent than before (I think). Regardless, I am going to read less and wear my sunglasses more. This AMD is a challenge!”