To download MP3 audio recordings of the ILVSG presentations:
  • Right-click on "Download MP3"
  • Select "Save target as" from the pop-up window
  • Select "Save" in the pop-up window
  • Recommendation: Change file name ("audio_hi") to title of session.

Listening to MP3 files on your computer. If MP3 player software is not already installed, it is available free. The most popular are iTunes and Windows Media Player.

Listening to MP3 file on a portable player. An MP3 player is a battery-operated device that allows access to audio recordings while away from the computer. You can listen privately with headphones or connect to an external sound system for group access. There are many types of MP3 players, but we recommend the Apple iPod Shuffle (pictured). This player does not require a screen, as it will read to you the titles of the selections.
image of an MP3 player
Learn more about MP3 players.

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